Broken sidewalks that made walking difficult, dishes were dirty in the cupboards, open box of cereal under the sink, and garbage under the bed. Moved to another room which might have been ok if it wouldn't have been a pet friendly room (severe allergies). I was given the choice to move back to the first room (dirty), stay in the room they sent me to (instantly couldn't breathe in there and carpet needed a vacuuming) or leave. I chose the last option. They fully refunded us for our room, which they should have anyway. They need to update their rooms, clean them thoroughly before renting them, especially the kitchenettes and pet friendly rooms, and fix the sidewalks. It was a very big disappointment considering what the pictures show vs. reality was such a vast difference. The photos must have been taken back in their prime. While I'm thankful to be refunded for the room, it was such an inconvenience. I wouldn't send anyone there.