Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates and a remarkable destination in the Middle East. Most of the city is scattered across a series of islands in the Arabian Gulf, just off the mainland. The main island is obviously the city's hub, where you can visit the Presidential Palace, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque and the Zayed Port. 

One of the most famous islands in Abu Dhabi is Yas Island, which has a fun and family-friendly atmosphere. It’s home to the city’s F1 circuit, one of its biggest and best shopping malls, as well as plenty of waterparks and amusement parks. Saadiyat Island is a far more relaxed place that's known for its pristine beaches. Heading inland, you’ll find historic oasis towns, military forts, and neolithic tombs across the desert sands of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Whether you’re looking for cultural experiences, shopping sprees, a beach break, or a fun family escape, there’s a part of Abu Dhabi that you’ll love. 

Abu Dhabi: Was gibt es zu besichtigen und zu unternehmen?

Ausgewählte Erlebnisse und Unterhaltsames

Abu Dhabi: Kulinarische Tipps

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Abu Dhabi: Wohin zum Shopping

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Abu Dhabi: Abends ausgehen – hier die Tipps

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Unterkünfte in Abu Dhabi

Plant eure Reise

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