The bioluminescent plankton in Koh Rong is a stunning natural phenomenon. You can only see it at night, and it shows up best when there's no moon and you're away from any light pollution. You can book a boat tour for around US$10 per person and enjoy the fascinating scenery of twinkling lights all around you as the plankton radiate.
Bioluminescent Plankton in Koh Rong - one of the highlights of 17 Best Things to Do in Koh Rong (Read all about Koh Rong here)

Foto von Steven Isaacson (CC BY-SA 2.0) bearbeitet
Where to see Bioluminescent Plankton in Koh Rong
We highly recommend the Long Set Resort, located on the stunning Long Set Beach, which is perfectly situated for plankton viewing at night. It's possible to swim with the sparkling plankton and indulge in a unique magical experience.
A word of warning though: swimming at night can be a risky endeavour. Observing the beauty of the glowing plankton from the safety of a boat or the beach is a better bet.

Foto von Anita Hart (CC BY-SA 2.0) bearbeitet
Bioluminescent Plankton in Koh Rong
Lage: Koh Rong, Cambodia