We recently stayed in what was advertised as "Luxury Apartments" in Sheffield, but calling it luxurious is about as accurate as calling a fake Gucci bag the real deal. To be fair, the apartment was clean and centrally located, making it easy to get around Sheffield without relying on Ubers, which was a definite plus.
However, the place looked nothing like the pictures we saw online. The interior gave off serious student accommodation vibes, and the so-called comfy mattress left much to be desired. I’ve had better sleep on a blow-up bed while camping!
If you're heading to Sheffield with a group and need a basic place to crash, it would suffice. But if you're a couple looking for a romantic getaway or expecting a nice night away, I would steer clear. It’s more like the Asda Essentials of apartments: it does the job but without any frills or comfort.
In short, convenient location but definitely not the luxurious experience we were hoping for.